File Description:Repaint of the AI Malcontent Embraer ERJ-145 Passaredo, registration PT-PSS (Esquadrilha da Fumaca 60 anos). Base files package for FS2004 (aim_erj145.zip) available on Avsim.com. This is an AI aircraft only.
File Description:This package contains new _l (nightlighting) textures only for my BA paints of Mike Stones (new model) Embraer ERL-145. You need the original paint erj-145.zip and Mike Stones `new` Embraer ERJ-145 model which is available at his site. It does not mention `new` models at his site but I can assure you all his models have been updated .Mike Stones aircraft are made with Gmax, so I recommend it for use as AI aircraft. 041b061a72