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Books: K. G. Murty, Linear Programming, Wiley, 1983.
K. G. Murty, Linear and Combinatorial Programming, R. E. Krieger, 1985.
K. G. Murty, Linear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Helderman-Verlag, 1988. This book is now available for download. K. G. Murty, Network Programming, Prentice Hall, 1992. This book is now available for download.
K. G. Murty, Operations Research: Deterministic Optimization Models,Prentice Hall, 1995.
K. G. Murty, Optimization for Decision Making: Linear and Quadratic Models, Springer, 2010.For more details, please see the website for this book on Springer's Website: -1-4419-1290-9 This book is now available for download.
K. G. Murty, Computational and Algorithmic Linear Algebra and n-Dimensional Geometry, World-Scientific, 2014. This book is now available for download.
K. G. Murty, Editor,Case Studies in Operations Research: Applications of Optimum Decision Making, Springer, 2014, website for this book can be seen at: +%26+management/operations+research/book/978-1-4939-1006-9
K. G. Murty, Editor, "Models for Optimum Decision Making: Crude Oil Production and Refining",Springer 2020, website for this book can be seen at its Springer link:
Ph.D. Students: Tongnyoul Yi Thesis title: "Bipartite Matching with Specified Values for a 0-1 Linear Function", 1994.
Abdo Youssef Alfakih Thesis title: "Facets of an Assignment Problem with a 0-1 Side Constraint", 1996.
Teresa Chu"A Class of Strictly Semimonotone Matrices in Linear Complementarity Theory'', 2001.
Feng-Tien Yu"Door Allocation Problem at Intermediate Consolidation Terminals of Less-than-truckload motor carriers'', 2004.
Matthew Petering (email)"Decision Support Models for Container Terminal Operations''
Contributions to Human Health: Video Clip of exercise video:
What is Operational Research ? Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations. In operations research, problems are broken down into basic components and then solved in defined steps by mathematical analysis.