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How The Gas by Charles Platt Changed the World of Erotica and Horror

The Gas by Charles Platt: A Review of the Most Perverted Book You'll Ever Read

If you are looking for a book that will shock you, disgust you, amuse you and make you think, then you might want to check out The Gas by Charles Platt. This book is not for the faint-hearted or easily offended. It is a cult classic of erotica and horror that describes the comic and horrific consequences when an experimental chemical warfare agent is released accidentally and wafts across southern England. The gas has two effects: it relaxes inhibitions and accelerates hormone production in men and women. Within a matter of hours, people start ripping off their clothes and partying in the street, and "British reserve" becomes a distant memory. The book's iconoclastic energy and its insistence on violating every taboo have earned it a unique, enduring status. In this article, we will review The Gas by Charles Platt ebook 27, summarizing its plot, analyzing its characters, evaluating its style and tone, and answering some frequently asked questions about it.

The Gas Charles Platt Ebook 27

Summary of the plot

The story begins with Vincent, a middle-aged businessman who is driving home from London to his wife and children in Sussex. Along the way, he picks up a young hitchhiker named Cathy, who tells him that she ran away from home after being sexually abused by her stepfather. Vincent feels sorry for her and offers to help her find a place to stay. As they drive further south, they notice that something strange is happening around them. People are behaving erratically, stripping naked, having sex in public, attacking each other or themselves. They soon realize that they are in the middle of a disaster caused by a leak at a secret germ-warfare laboratory nearby. A gas that was meant to be used as a weapon has escaped into the air and is affecting everyone who breathes it.

Vincent decides to turn back and head north, hoping to find his family and get away from the gas. He also picks up another passenger along the way: Father O'Flaherty, a Catholic priest who was trying to calm down a mob of rioters outside his church. The priest tells Vincent that he has been in contact with the military and that they are planning to contain the gas by bombing the affected area. Vincent is horrified by this idea and tries to find a way to stop them. He also has to deal with his own sexual urges, which are triggered by the gas and by Cathy's presence. He feels guilty for betraying his wife, but he also feels attracted to Cathy, who seems to reciprocate his feelings. Cathy, meanwhile, is confused by her own emotions and memories, and wonders if she can trust Vincent or anyone else. Father O'Flaherty, who has taken a vow of celibacy, struggles with his faith and his conscience, as he witnesses the depravity and suffering caused by the gas.

The trio encounters various obstacles and dangers on their journey, such as roadblocks, looters, rapists, murderers, cannibals, cultists, and even animals that are affected by the gas. They also meet some allies and friends, such as a journalist who wants to expose the truth about the gas, a doctor who tries to find a cure for it, and a group of hippies who embrace the gas as a liberating force. They also learn more about the origin and nature of the gas, and how it affects different people in different ways. Some people become violent and aggressive, some become passive and submissive, some become creative and artistic, some become insane and suicidal. The gas also has different effects on men and women, creating a gender imbalance and a power struggle in the society. The gas also seems to have a mind of its own, as it moves and changes according to its own whims.

The story reaches its climax when Vincent, Cathy and Father O'Flaherty arrive at the germ-warfare laboratory where the gas was created. They discover that the gas was not an accident, but a deliberate experiment by a mad scientist named Dr. Mengele (a reference to the Nazi doctor who performed horrific experiments on human subjects). Dr. Mengele reveals that he wanted to create a new world order based on sexual anarchy and chaos. He also reveals that he has a secret weapon: a more potent version of the gas that can affect the whole world. He plans to release it from a rocket that he has hidden in the laboratory. Vincent, Cathy and Father O'Flaherty try to stop him, but they are too late. The rocket launches into the sky, spreading the gas across the globe. The book ends with a bleak vision of the future, where humanity is reduced to a state of primal lust and violence.

Analysis of the characters

The main characters of The Gas are Vincent, Cathy and Father O'Flaherty. They are portrayed as sympathetic and flawed characters who try to survive and make sense of the situation they are in. They are also contrasted with each other in terms of their personalities, backgrounds and motivations.

Vincent is a typical middle-class man who has a stable job, a loving family and a comfortable life. He is also bored and unhappy with his routine existence. He feels trapped in his marriage, his career and his society. He longs for adventure and excitement, but he also fears change and risk. He is torn between his loyalty to his wife and his attraction to Cathy. He is also conflicted between his rationality and his sexuality. He tries to be a hero and a leader, but he also makes mistakes and compromises. He is ultimately a humanist who values life and freedom over anything else.

Cathy is a young woman who has suffered abuse and trauma in her life. She ran away from home after being raped by her stepfather. She has no family or friends to support her. She is distrustful of men and authority figures. She is also curious and adventurous, seeking new experiences and sensations. She is attracted to Vincent because he is kind and gentle with her. She is also rebellious and independent, refusing to follow anyone's rules or expectations. She is ultimately a feminist who wants to assert her identity and agency over her own body and destiny.

Father O'Flaherty is an old man who has devoted his life to God and the Church. He has taken a vow of celibacy and obedience. He is compassionate and altruistic, trying to help others in need. He is also dogmatic and conservative, following the teachings of his faith without question or doubt. He is repulsed by the gas and its effects on people's behavior. He sees it as a sign of God's wrath or Satan's influence. He tries to resist his own sexual impulses, which he considers sinful and shameful. He is ultimately a moralist who values order and discipline over anything else.

Evaluation of the style and tone

Platt uses humor, satire, irony and exaggeration to create a unique and explicit underground novel that challenges the reader's expectations and sensibilities with graphic descriptions of sex and violence. Evaluation of the style and tone

Platt uses humor, satire, irony and exaggeration to create a unique and explicit underground novel that challenges the reader's expectations and sensibilities with graphic descriptions of sex and violence. He also explores the themes of lust, perversion, violence and insanity in a realistic and disturbing way.

Platt's humor is dark and cynical, often mocking the absurdity and hypocrisy of the society and the characters. He makes fun of the British culture, politics, religion, media and morality. He also uses humor to relieve the tension and horror of the situation, making the reader laugh and cringe at the same time. For example, he describes a scene where a group of nuns are having an orgy with a donkey in front of a church, while a choir sings "Hallelujah". He also describes a scene where a man tries to have sex with a cow, but gets kicked in the face by the animal.

Platt's satire is sharp and provocative, often criticizing and exposing the flaws and contradictions of the society and the characters. He shows how the gas reveals the true nature and desires of people, which are usually hidden or suppressed by social norms and conventions. He also shows how the gas exposes the corruption and incompetence of the authorities, such as the military, the police, the government and the church. He also shows how the gas creates a new social order based on sexual anarchy and chaos, where the strong prey on the weak, and where no one is safe or sane. For example, he describes a scene where a group of soldiers rape and kill a woman in front of her husband, while another group of soldiers watch and cheer. He also describes a scene where a group of politicians have sex with each other in parliament, while passing laws that benefit themselves.

Platt's irony is subtle and clever, often creating a contrast or a twist between what is expected and what actually happens. He uses irony to surprise and shock the reader, as well as to make a point or a comment about the situation or the characters. He also uses irony to create ambiguity and complexity in the story, leaving room for interpretation and debate. For example, he describes a scene where Vincent saves Cathy from being raped by a gang of bikers, but then rapes her himself. He also describes a scene where Father O'Flaherty prays to God for guidance and forgiveness, but then hears God's voice telling him to kill himself.

Platt's exaggeration is bold and outrageous, often pushing the boundaries of realism and plausibility. He uses exaggeration to create a vivid and memorable impression on the reader, as well as to emphasize or exaggerate a certain aspect or quality of the situation or the characters. He also uses exaggeration to create a sense of scale and scope in the story, showing how widespread and devastating the effects of the gas are. For example, he describes a scene where Vincent sees hundreds of people having sex on a golf course, while helicopters drop bombs on them. He also describes a scene where Cathy sees thousands of people marching naked towards London, while singing "God Save The Queen".


The Gas by Charles Platt is a book that will leave you speechless, stunned and amazed. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry and scream. It is a book that will make you think, feel and question. It is a book that will challenge you, shock you and change you.

The Gas is one of the most perverted books you'll ever read, but it is also one of the most original and daring books you'll ever read. It is a book that combines erotica and horror in a way that no other book has done before or since. It is a book that explores human nature in its most extreme and primal forms. It is a book that exposes the dark side of humanity, but also reveals the light side of humanity.

The Gas is not for everyone, but it is for anyone who loves a good story, a good challenge, and a good adventure. It is for anyone who wants to experience something different, something unique, and something unforgettable.


  • Is The Gas based on a true story?

No, The Gas is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction, inspired by the author's imagination and creativity. However, some elements of the story may have been influenced by real events or people, such as the Cold War, the sexual revolution, the hippie movement, and the Nazi experiments.

  • Where can I find The Gas by Charles Platt ebook 27?

You can find The Gas by Charles Platt ebook 27 on various online platforms, such as Amazon, Google Books, and OceanofPDF. You can also find it in some libraries or bookstores, but it may be hard to find due to its rarity and controversy.

  • What are some other books by Charles Platt?

Charles Platt is a prolific and versatile writer who has written many books in different genres, such as science fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, biography, and non-fiction. Some of his other books include The Silicon Man, Less Than Human, Dream Makers, The City Dwellers, and Make: Electronics.

  • Is The Gas suitable for young readers?

No, The Gas is not suitable for young readers. It is a book that contains explicit and graphic scenes of sex and violence, as well as mature and controversial themes and topics. It is a book that is intended for adult readers only.

  • What are some similar books to The Gas?

Some similar books to The Gas are The Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, The 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade, The Stand by Stephen King, and The Road by Cormac McCarthy.



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