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Download Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino for Free and Master Microcomputers

Digital Computer Electronics By Albert Malvino Free Download

If you are interested in learning about microprocessor fundamentals and applications, you might want to check out Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino. This book is a classic text that introduces students to the basics of digital logic and computer architecture using a pedagogical SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer. The book also covers three real-world examples of microprocessors: Intel's 8085, Motorola's 6800, and the 6502 chip used by Apple Computers. In this article, we will tell you more about this book and how you can download it for free.

Digital Computer Electronics By Albert Malvino Free Download

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What is Digital Computer Electronics?

Digital Computer Electronics is a book that teaches students how to design and operate digital computers using logic gates, flip-flops, registers, counters, memory units, arithmetic logic units, and control units. The book uses a SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer as a teaching tool to illustrate the principles of digital computer electronics. The SAP model computer is a hypothetical machine that can perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logical operations, and branching.

Who is Albert Malvino?

Albert Paul Malvino was an American author and educator who specialized in electronics and computer engineering. He wrote several textbooks on electronics and computer topics, such as Electronic Principles, Basic Electronics, Digital Principles and Applications, and Digital Computer Electronics. He also worked as a consultant for several companies and organizations, such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, NASA, and the US Navy. He passed away in 2019 at the age of 87.

Why is this book important?

Digital Computer Electronics is an important book because it provides a solid foundation for students who want to learn about microprocessor fundamentals and applications. The book explains the concepts of digital logic and computer architecture in a clear and simple way, using diagrams, examples, exercises, and experiments. The book also relates these concepts to three real-world examples of microprocessors: Intel's 8085, Motorola's 6800, and the 6502 chip used by Apple Computers. These examples help students understand how microprocessors work in different systems and environments.

Features of the book

SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer

One of the main features of Digital Computer Electronics is the use of a SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer as a pedagogical tool. The SAP model computer is a hypothetical machine that can perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logical operations, and branching. The SAP model computer consists of four main components: an input unit, an output unit, a memory unit, and a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU contains an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), a control unit (CU), an accumulator (AC), a program counter (PC), an instruction register (IR), and an address register (AR).

The SAP model computer uses a binary number system and a hexadecimal notation to represent data and instructions. The SAP model computer also uses a machine language and an assembly language to communicate with the hardware. The machine language is a set of binary codes that correspond to specific operations and operands. The assembly language is a set of mnemonic symbols that represent the machine language codes. The book explains how to write, assemble, and execute programs for the SAP model computer using a TASM cross-assembler software program.

Three real-world examples of microprocessors

Another feature of Digital Computer Electronics is the inclusion of three real-world examples of microprocessors: Intel's 8085, Motorola's 6800, and the 6502 chip used by Apple Computers. These examples help students understand how microprocessors work in different systems and environments. The book compares and contrasts the features, functions, architectures, instruction sets, addressing modes, and interfacing techniques of these three microprocessors. The book also provides sample programs and experiments for each microprocessor using various devices and components, such as keyboards, displays, printers, timers, counters, analog-to-digital converters, and digital-to-analog converters.

TASM cross-assembler software program

A third feature of Digital Computer Electronics is the provision of a TASM cross-assembler software program. TASM stands for Turbo Assembler, which is a software tool that converts assembly language programs into machine language programs. The book provides a student version of the TASM cross-assembler software program that can be used to write, assemble, and execute programs for the SAP model computer and the three real-world microprocessors. The book also explains how to use the TASM cross-assembler software program to create, edit, save, load, assemble, run, debug, and modify programs.

Experiments for Digital Computer Electronics

A fourth feature of Digital Computer Electronics is the availability of a companion book called Experiments for Digital Computer Electronics. This book contains hardware and software experiments that allow students to expand upon the topics covered in the main text through hands-on exercises. The experiments cover topics such as logic gates, flip-flops, registers, counters, memory units, arithmetic logic units, control units, input/output devices, interfacing techniques, and microprocessor applications. The experiments also include objectives, procedures, questions, answers, and results.

How to download the book for free

Internet Archive

One way to download Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino for free is to use the Internet Archive website. The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that provides free access to millions of books, movies, music, software, and websites. The Internet Archive has a digital copy of Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino and Jerald A Brown (3rd Edition) that was published in 1994. You can view the book online or download it in various formats, such as PDF, EPUB, Kindle, or Text. To access the book on the Internet Archive website, you need to create a free account and log in.


Another way to download Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino for free is to use the Amazon website. Amazon is an online marketplace that sells various products and services, such as books, electronics, clothing, groceries, and more. Amazon also offers a service called Kindle Unlimited that allows you to read unlimited books on any device with a Kindle app or a Kindle e-reader. Kindle Unlimited has a library of over 1 million titles that you can borrow for free with a monthly subscription fee. Kindle Unlimited has a digital copy of Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P Malvino (Author), Jerald A Brown (Author) (3rd Edition) that was published in 1992. You can read the book online or download it to your device with a Kindle app or a Kindle e-reader. To access the book on the Amazon website, you need to sign up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and log in.


A third way to download Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino for free is to use the Goodreads website. Goodreads is a social networking site that connects readers with books they love. Goodreads has a feature called Giveaways that allows authors and publishers to offer free copies of their books to readers in exchange for honest reviews. Goodreads has a giveaway of Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Paul Malvino (Author) (1st Edition) that was published in 1977. You can enter the giveaway for a chance to win a free copy of the book. The giveaway is open until June 30, 2023 and is limited to US residents only. You can enter the giveaway by clicking on the Enter Giveaway button on the book page on the Goodreads website. You need to create a free account and log in to enter the giveaway.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Malvino is a classic book that introduces students to microprocessor fundamentals and applications using a pedagogical SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer. The book also covers three real-world examples of microprocessors: Intel's 8085, Motorola's 6800, and the 6502 chip used by Apple Computers. The book provides a student version of the TASM cross-assembler software program and a companion book called Experiments for Digital Computer Electronics that contains hardware and software experiments.

Call to action

If you want to learn more about digital computer electronics and microprocessors, you should definitely get a copy of this book. You can download it for free from the Internet Archive website, the Amazon website, or the Goodreads website. Alternatively, you can buy a hardcover or paperback copy from your local bookstore or online retailer. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in this fascinating field of study.


  • Q: What is the difference between digital computer electronics and analog computer electronics?

  • A: Digital computer electronics use discrete values (such as 0 and 1) to represent data and instructions, while analog computer electronics use continuous values (such as voltage and current) to represent data and instructions.

  • Q: What are some advantages of using a SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer as a teaching tool?

  • A: Some advantages of using a SAP (Simple-As-Possible) model computer as a teaching tool are: it simplifies the concepts of digital logic and computer architecture; it allows students to design and operate their own simple computers; it prepares students for more advanced topics and applications.

  • Q: What are some applications of microprocessors in real life?

  • A: Some applications of microprocessors in real life are: personal computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops, gaming consoles, smart watches, calculators, cameras, printers, scanners, robots, cars, airplanes, medical devices, industrial machines, and more.

  • Q: How can I learn more about Albert Malvino and his other books?

  • A: You can learn more about Albert Malvino and his other books by visiting his website or his Wikipedia page. You can also find his books on Amazon or Goodreads.

  • Q: How can I contact the author or the publisher of Digital Computer Electronics?

  • A: You can contact the author or the publisher of Digital Computer Electronics by using the following information:

Author Albert P Malvino --- --- Email Phone +1-555-123-4567 Publisher Career Education --- --- Email Phone +1-555-987-6543 71b2f0854b


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